Ano rectal diseases
Anorectal disorders affect men and women of all ages. Their management is not limited to the evaluation and treatment of hemorrhoids. Rather, a spectrum of anorectal disorders ranges from benign and irritating (pruritus ani) to potentially life-threatening (anorectal cancer). Symptoms are nonspecific, which can make the evaluation of patients difficult.
In ayurveda anorectal diseases are managing beautifully by the department of Shalyatantra with various herbal medications and procedures. People are suffering from different kinds of anorectal diseases but nobody is ready to discuss the diseased condition as a matter of shame. In Ayurveda, anorectal diseases are generally categorized under “Piles" or "Hemorrhoids" (Arshas), "Fissures" (Parikartika), and "Fistulas" (Bhagandara). Ayurveda approaches these conditions with a holistic perspective, focusing on balancing the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to restore health. Main cause of this is due to improper digestive fire (agnimandya). Here's a brief overview of how Ayurveda addresses these conditions:
Anal fissure - An anal fissure, also called an anorectal fissure, is a linear split or tear in the lining of the lower anal canal. Most anal fissures happen when a large, hard stool overstretches the anal opening and tears the delicate anoderm.
Anal fistula - An anal fistula is an abnormal narrow tunnel-like passageway, which is the remnant of an old anal abscess after it has drained. It connects the mid portion of the anal canal (at the anal gland) to the surface of the skin.
Hemorrhoids - Veins in the rectum that are usually internal but can stick out through the rectum. When there is too much pressure on the veins, usually caused by straining during bowel movements or sitting for long periods of time, the haemorrhoids can become enlarged or swollen.
Causes of Anorectal diseases
· Intake of heavy, sweet, cold, and unsuitable food
· Non vegetarian food
· Tubers and dried vegetables
· Germinated or fresh awned cereals and legumes
· Intake of heavy fruits and vegetables, pickles, salads
· Suppression of defaecation urge
· Abstaining from physical exercise
· Continues sitting
· Irregular sleep habits
· Emotional disturbances like stress, grief, fear & worry
Symptoms of Anorectal diseases
Fissure: Pain and bleeding during and after bowel movements.
Fistula: Pain and discomfort during bowel movements, drainage of pus or fluid, area around the anus may be swollen and red.
Hemorrhoids: Bleeding during bowel movements, visible as bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl, Itching or irritation in the anal region, Pain or discomfort, especially during sitting or during bowel movements, Swelling or lumps near the anus.
Management of Anorectal diseases
Management of anorectal diseases are mainly focusing on correcting the digestive fire and vata dosha there by relieving problems associated with bowel movements. Ayurvedic treatments involve drug therapy, Kshara karma (Alkali), Agni karma (Cauterisation) and Shastra Karma (surgical procedure). Swedana (fomentation), Avagaha (tub bath), Raktamokshana (blood letting), Lepa (poultice), Basti (enema) and Anulomana are other treatments that we can adopt in different conditions of Ano rectal diseases. Apart from medicines, a diet which is light, soft and fibrous will aid in easy digestion and smooth defecation without causing constipation. Such kind of diet also helps in maintenance of Jatharagni (digestive fire) which plays an important role in anorectal disorders. Buttermilk has a tremendous role in controlling anorectal diseases. It is important to treat the cause of disease in order to stop its occurrence or further recurrence. Here constipation due to Mandagni (reduced digestive power) is the main cause. To treat Mandagni (reduced digestive power), more emphasis must be given on ahara (Diet) and vihara (lifestyle) of a person.