Insomnia- Sleep disorder
Insomnia is a sleep disturbance characterized by difficulty falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or waking up too early and being unable to return to sleep. It often leaves individuals feeling tired and drained upon waking, negatively impacting their mood and leading to irritability and agitation throughout the day. Additionally, insomnia can have adverse effects on one's physical health, potentially causing headaches and, in severe cases, migraines, and can significantly disrupt daily life. Extensive research suggests that insomnia is highly prevalent worldwide, with a majority of sufferers also at risk of developing various pain conditions such as headaches, migraines, and neck or cervical pain. Moreover, insomnia may coincide with other health issues like neurodegenerative diseases and certain gastric disorders, further complicating its impact on individuals' well-being.
Insomnia is categorized based on its duration into two main types: Acute Insomnia, also known as transient insomnia, is a short-lived condition lasting from a few days to a few weeks. It typically arises due to stressful life events such as the loss of a loved one or divorce, as well as underlying unresolved issues. Chronic Insomnia, on the other hand, persists for extended periods, spanning months to years. It is diagnosed when sleep disruption occurs at least three nights per week for a minimum of three months. Chronic insomnia can stem from sudden environmental changes, poor sleep habits, certain medications, or be associated with other medical or psychiatric conditions. Various factors, including medical and psychiatric conditions, trauma, unhealthy sleep practices, or excessive consumption of stimulants like coffee, tea, and alcohol, can contribute to insomnia. Treatment options encompass psychological therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy alongside medication.
Ayurveda views sleep as one of the essential pillars for maintaining a healthy life, alongside proper nutrition (Aahara) and conscious relationships (Brahmacharya). Sound sleep offers numerous benefits: it fosters joy and presence in the moment, supports physical growth and tissue regeneration, boosts immunity and fertility, and aids in memory consolidation and logical thinking. Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia focuses on improving both the quality and quantity of sleep while addressing underlying causes to prevent long-term health consequences. Ayurvedic remedies often involve the use of specific herbs and techniques known for their calming and relaxing effects on the mind, such as brahmi, Ashwagandha, vacha, and sarpgandha, which promote sound and restful sleep.