Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s Disease is a condition of the inner ear marked by episodes of vertigo, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. It can also be accompanied by headaches, nausea, and sudden falls. The recurrent nature of the disease can significantly impact the quality of life for those affected.
Excessive travelling
Exposure to loud sounds
Usage of earphones
Physical stress
Mental stress like peer pressure
Chronic otitis media
The main pathology in Meniere’s Disease is distension of endolymphatic system due to increased volume of endolymph. It can be understood in two ways as Margavaranajanya (obstruction to path) and Dhatukshayajanya (degenerated tissues). In margavarodha (blockage) which leads to defective absorption and causes distension in membranous labyrinth and cochlear membranes. In dhatukshaya (reduced tissue factors) degenerative changes in the vestibulo-cochlear nerve thus leading to improper conduction of sound waves and the pressure changes. As per ayurveda this is a vata dominating disease. Symptoms of Menier’s diseases can be connected with Karnanada, Karnakshweda, Badhirya and Bhrama diseases of ayurveda.
First step before starting treatment is the correct diagnosis. Head is the seat of kapha dosha. So primary focus should be done to balance the vitiated kapha. Also sense organ ear is controlled by aakasha (space) and vayu (air) mahabhutas. So we must care of these two factors also. Common treatments that adopted in treating various symptoms of Menier’s diseases are agni deepana (stimulating the digestive fire), amapachana (digestants), anulomana (promoting natural flow) , shirovirechana (cleansing the head through nasal instillations) vatashamana sneha ( oil which normalize vitiated vata), and rasayana (rejuvenation ) therapies which will give promising results.